Friday, October 30, 2009

Last night's events

Last night Emerson fell asleep for a nap around 6:30pm. So I figured maybe she would go to bed at a reasonable time tonight. Once she woke up she was rubbing her eyes so I took her upstairs to get some pjs on. I put Little E. in her crib so she could wind down while I got things ready. Apparently the crib renewed her energy and it looks like I should take down those bumpers.
She thought standing would be much more fun. Isn't this crib a teether anyways?

You seriously thought I was going to sleep? Ha!!

There is sooo much fun stuff in my room.
Emerson even read herself a bedtime story.

Trying to look innocent.

Ahhhh!! I'm outta here!

Looks like her new tooth coming in left it's mark. Oops!
4 hours later at 10:45 she is still up and attempting to help her Dad with his Halloween costume. When it reached 11pm I thought this was getting a little out of hand. So I rocked her, gave her the magic seahorse, and nothing. Finally I placed her in her crib, fingers crossed she wouldn't just get up and chew the corner off. I checked on her 3 times in the next 20 minutes. She was awake but contently laying there looking around. Finally around 11:30 she was curled up in the corner asleep on her belly. So maybe I'm the culprit in this month long sleep fiasco? Tonight we ARE starting a new bedtime routine. The plan is to wind down around 8:30, read a story, rock a little bit, then leave her in the crib. I will report back later.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

8 Month Shots Part 1

This is how she sits in a chair.

This is not even my original idea for her 8 month pictures. We were just practicing and luckily some of them turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself. This all took place in less than 10 minutes because she has little patience to sit around. I finally got to use a vintage rose action I have which looks delightful on baby girls. That's why some of the pictures look a little different. :) So yes, it's on purpose. I know I'm biased but I think Emerson is the most beautiful girl in the whole world and possibly the most stylish.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

8 Months Old!

Emerson is 8 months old today! It just sounds so strange to say I have an 8 month old now. But, this is age is so much fun. She has become more interactive every day. If she wants me to pick her up she says Mmmm, mmmm. I guess that's my name. Ha. She has also started reaching for her Daddy. Or should I say throwing herself at him? I fear she might become a Daddy's girl. I guess I had a good run. :) She is super speedy now crawling at a ridiculous pace for an army crawler. Her favorite thing to do is stand. She can now pull-up to standing rather easily and has had fun trying out her new trick on every thing in reach. Unfortunately most of the time she can't get down safely which means the start of lots of boo boos. Yesterday though she did go from standing to sitting down. Well done E! Today she pulled up on the dining room chair, something new, and started squealing for me because she couldn't get down. She is now very vocal constantly babbling ba ba, ma ma, and da da especially at bedtime. Speaking of bedtime her mature age has turned her against sleeping. Hopefully it is just teething but in the past two week she has stayed up until 10pm every night and still gets up when we do around 7 or 8am. Although the fact that she is energetic and playful leads me to believe she just wants to stay up all night. She has gotten better on napping sleeping sometimes an hour and half in the morning and maybe an hour in the afternoon. She is still really into her exersaucer but now more as an obstacle course. She loves to crawl through the middle and throw her toys in there. She also likes to pull up on it and play from the outside. Emerson still absolutely loves animals. She laughs hysterically at the dog and cat so hard that she can barely catch a breath. Now she is somewhat understanding what a kiss is. She grabs my face and latches onto my chin and goes mmmm. It can be a little aggressive but all in love of course. Such a sweet girl!
Just hanging out
Playing with Mia
Mischievously attacking the camera.

Fun 8 month pictures to come shortly!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Anniversary Trip

This past weekend we head down to Wilmington for our 3 year anniversary. We spent Friday afternoon walking around downtown and enjoying the beautiful spring like weather. I kept forgetting that it's almost November. Saturday we ate dinner at this blue restaurant above. It was delicious but Little E. decided it was the perfect time to start cutting a tooth. So it wasn't exactly quiet.
Emerson really enjoyed the Bed and Breakfast and had a blast hanging out the porch playing.
She found it the perfect place to stand around and enjoy the view.
Saturday after a downpour at Airlie Gardens we headed to Carolina Beach.
Emerson was not such a big fan of the crashing waves.
It just broke my heart how upset she was.
But, slowly Mark convinced her it might be a little fun.
So they made a run for it playing in the cool ocean.
She wasn't too sure what this sand stuff was about then decided it must be for eating.
We met up with Nichole and Emerson made friends with Finn by putting sand on his pants.
I think Emerson still has sand in her ears but we had a great time!

Friday, October 23, 2009


I'm entered Emerson into the Gap Casting Call and I have no problem asking you to vote for her. :) Of course she is by far the cutest. Thanks!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

In the theme of Halloween

Yesterday I wanted to practice shooting in manual mode on my camera so I took Little E. outside since she looked so cute in her festive attire. She really loves her halloween shoes. Can we still wear them past next Saturday? Maybe secretly in the house. I bribed her with my purple scarf to stay in one spot.
I was so proud of her for helping me out by not crawling away. These pictures are much duller than the first because I put the first one on Flickr first. If I had the money I would put all my pictures there. I'm nearing my monthly free limit. Not sure why blogspot isn't a fan of me directly uploading to it. Can you tell she is wearing a pumpkin onesie? I did a little applique for her the other week and figured she could wear it in November too since it's more "fall" than "halloween."

Apparently she really likes the color purple.
Things were going so well until Emerson's body gave up on sitting.

"Do I have something on my face?"
Then she face planted into the dirt. Yummmy.
Here is a black and white one just for kicks.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us!

3 years ago we tied the knot! Since we have been married we have experienced several job changes, one job loss, buying our first house, financial ups and downs, two crazy pets, pregnancy, having our first born, and this is only the beginning! Marriage is full of ups and downs but is a wonderful growing experience causing you to constantly reflect on yourself and evolve together. Thank you for 3 memorable years my love! Happy Anniversary to my partner and best friend.

Traditional 3 year wedding gift is leather. We'll take cash though. ;) I'm kidding.
"And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." Colossians 3:14

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Parent Commissioning

Sunday was the parent commissioning ceremony at our church. We were so blessed that tons of our family came to support us and take part in the day. Emerson had her very own tables reserved. See her precious little picture? At our church instead of infant baptisms, us as parents dedicate ourselves to providing a gospel centered home for our children, and ask for support and prayer from our church/family. What a huge responsibility and honor it is to do what is best for Emerson even when it's not easy. There were so many cute little babies right along with Emerson but, she certainly was the brightest. I have to admit I was very nervous with all the people there. Luckily I didn't trip though. :)
Emerson was excited to see her Aunt Reba since she hadn't seen her since July! It didn't hurt that she brought her a babydoll too. Ha. See Emerson's new bracelet on the left? Aunt Reba was kind of enough to send it in the mail so she could wear it. Her first piece of jewelry! I was so shocked she didn't even try to pull it off like she does to other people's jewelry.
Here is our huge group. Yes I did sport cowgirl boots. Because, why not? Thanks to everyone who joined us.

Itty Bitty

Remember when Emerson was this itty bitty? It's hard for me to even picture it. She seems small to me now but is almost triple her birth size.
Remember when she was too tiny to fit in newborn clothes? Apparently I also looked awful! Ha. Yikes! But, of course I was so overjoyed to be holding my baby girl.
Or when she fit perfectly on our chests?
Do you remember her dark hair that fell out oh so fast? I hope I can always hold tight to these memories. Emerson, I love you! Don't grow up too fast. Okay?