Thursday, July 29, 2010
Want a cool shirt?
Our dear friends, The Treeces are venturing into the world of adoption. They are hoping to adopt a little girl internationally and I'm sure you know it can be expensive. They have some designed some awesome t-shirts and are selling them as a fundraiser. You can check out their story here and even buy a shirt!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
We've been trying to stay cool in this ridiculous heat. Which means staying inside or pool time! Emerson absolutely loves water. You can see her having a blast on our concrete beach. I think she enjoys the concrete beach a little more than this time last year. We've been sporting some new hair do's. E. is bringing the 80's back with her side pony style.
She is also an expert at giving the stare down. Here she is eye balling our neighbor who is walking over. Then of course she realized she knew him and took down the intensity. I don't think she will ever be a push-over, do you?!?
This is the face she gives when she wants more. She gets really tense and squeezes her fist. I need it on camera because it cracks me up. Not sure where she got it!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Two weeks..really?
Has it really been two weeks since a blog post? Oops! We've been super busy and time has seemed to fly by. Here are a few pictures to hold you over of Emerson and her cousin Avery enjoying a wagon ride over July 4th. This girl loves living on the edge! She is such a dare devil. Too much so for her mother's taste.
Yep, we are talking about you E.!
As you can see the girls enjoyed a speedy ride in the wagon at the Grandparents. Hopefully I can post some pics soon! Maybe even our vacation. Was it really a month ago? In the meantime Emerson is super chatty, sassy, sweet, and I put her in time-out for the first time today. You can imagine how that went. Our little girl is growing up!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
It's hot!
Didn't I say she was sweet? So lovey dovey.
Hugging her seahorse who desperately needs some batteries. It's starting to sound pretty sad. None the less she gave him some love.
I know everyone says she is skinny but check-out that double chin!
After she cooled down she was back to her goofy self.
and loving some attention.
But then she busted her lip and the fun ended. Time to lower the crib!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
16 months and looking older
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
16 months
Long time no blog, huh? We've been sick, on vacation, then recovering from vacation and trying to get back into the swing of things. I haven't taken 16 month pictures of Emerson yet. But, I figured I might as well post something before she is 17 months. :) One of the most noticeably developments to me is her eagerness to talk and communicate. She answers questions. Can make statements about what she wants for example she said, "Dada bubbles," the other day when she wanted Mark to blow her some good bubbles. She really seems to understand a whole lot. She knows her body parts, and will even say "eye." We went through a period of stranger anxiety and she seems to have done a complete turn around. In the airport she insisted on talking to every person there. It was the cutest thing ever! When we went grocery shopping last night she said hi to every person we passed. If they didn't acknowledge her she just said it louder! She has even cried when I have picked her up from church nursery. Apparently they are much more fun than me. Ha! Her favorite activities are taking things out of drawers, pushing things, and carrying (buckets, purses, whatever..) E. still has a slight obsession with balls, completely freaking out if I buy a melon at the store and don't hand it to her to play with. Emerson even has a strawberry shortcake basketball goal that she loves to dunk in. She loves to go to the pool and will even kick her legs and try to swim. A little fish I tell ya.
She is a very sweet girl and loves to give kisses and hugs and will try to position herself in your lap if you are on her level. She has 8 teeth and two coming in. Which is good for her since she just recently became interested in food! Out of the blue she loves the bananas she has loathed for 6 months. She also is ecstatic about pb&j sandwiches, cheerios, and crackers. Unfortunately she won't touch veggies but I've secretly slipped them into a healthy veggie pancake which is even tasty to me. Just don't tell her it's good for her. I'm confident that she will continue to add more and more food as time goes on. Emerson is super active and wears me out. We don't take baths too much anymore since she climbs out. Instead I put her in the shower and she loves it. She will get in if the door is open so I have to watch her.
Emerson is quite the problem solver. She loves to put things back together whether it's a cap that came off the bottle or her shoe that she took off. She will even try to put the dog collar on Mia. Even though she dislikes hairbows she will try to put it in if she takes it out.
She loves to be apart of the conversation now and will fake laugh at anything anyone else is laughing at. I need it on camera because it's hysterical. We just have so much fun with her and love her to pieces!
I hope to have some official pictures soon!
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