Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Photoshoot Tuesday

I figured we were due for some photo time since it had been a couple weeks. Of course we have the best light during Emerson's naptime so there was no chance of giggles and smiles this time.
None the less I thought she was beautiful. I just wanted to capture these baby rolls before they fade away.
I love the shocked, " I can't believe you are taking my picture again," face.

This is her tutu from her 7 month birthday. It had been in retirement in the corner of the room.

That wasn't the original idea. I was going to do something more basic to get those chubby legs in. But, she seemed unimpressed with her outfit and refused to look up.
I attempted bribery with puffs. Even though she won't eat them she enjoys picking them up.

Emerson really enjoyed my necklace. Too bad it gave her a rash. :( I love this shot. It's definitely cropped in a lot. The pull back is her whole body. I almost threw this picture out then finally a little extra something in her grasping the pearls.

Here is the same picture, alternate crop. I couldn't decide if I liked her eyelashes in better (Aren't they killer?!?) or her adorable arms. Then I liked both a vintage processing and a warm black and white. So solution, keep both! Ha.
Here we are at the end of our picture taking. I cleaned out her drawers and found this set of pjs I had bought on consignment last winter for 6-12 months. They are really adorable but how many of us dress our babies in shorts and tshirts to go to bed. Would have been a nice thought that my Emerson couldn't wear this in winter. Ha! Oh well. Perhaps we can lounge in it once it warms up. Because I really do adore it. It's apple/pear appliques. If it came in my size I would wear it!

Completely switching topics I just got this 10 month 3 week update in my email.

Your baby's ability to vocalize is improving, and he may say his first word any time now. When he does, repeat it softly and clearly so she can learn the correct pronunciation. (Bear in mind that many babies won't utter an intelligible peep for several more months, and that's normal, too.) First words don't always have precise definitions, by the way. "Dog" may mean anything with four legs, and "ba-ba" could signify bottle, teddy bear, bye-bye — or all three.

Which leads me to Emerson has said bye. I have heard her twice and it was in reference to someone leaving. So is that her first word?? She said Mama, Dada, but are those babbles or real words? Anyways just thought I would share! Happy Hump Day.

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