Thursday, May 17, 2012

Miss E.

Mtns 4_12-88
This girl is growing up fast. She seems to grow a half inch a day and you would have never known that she use to below 5% in height. Now she is a whopping 15% thank you very much. Three has come with lots of challenges, by far the toughest year yet. But, her silliest and quirks are the funniest yet.

I just wanted to share a few things she has been saying lately. Whenever I go to the store she always ask me for everything she sees. To avoid the temper tantrum of a full out no I tell her she will have to ask her Daddy. So when we went to Target (Really do we go anywhere else?) I spotted a bathing suit that I liked. So I asked Emerson what she thought about it. I trust her fashion sense most of the time. She turned around and told me, "Yeah, but you'll have to ask your Daddy." I about died, people walking around us about died too. She has also start to piece together that you get special things for your birthday. She'll see something she loves, or wants to do something and will say, "I can get this for my birthday!" Although it's 9 months away but she doesn't know that. Might as well be tomorrow. She also showed me every princess that she wants for her birthday. About 6 more in all. We'll have to work on that materialism. :) Her conversations are really funny. She has to tell everyone she meets about her latest boo boo as if it happened 5 minutes ago. She chats with her friends from our patio when they are on their porch and I wish I could record these conversations. Her new thing is talking about when she gets bigger. If I eat this, "I'll grow bigger and bigger." "When I get bigger I'm going to wear a ring like mommy." Lastly when she looked at my wedding picture she saw that I had a long veil and said, "Mommy you had long long hair like Rapunzel!" If I'm equivalent to Rapunzel in a 3 year old's eyes that must make me pretty cool.  She has changed so much! Just to think this was her just two years ago!

Looking at these I realize how much lighter Ezra's hair is than hers!

Upon seeing these Emerson wanted to know what she was wearing of course and about those shoes.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ezra 13 months

I've seriously slacked off the blog updates. I had every intention of finishing up Easter, maybe updating on Emerson's party (which was gasp in February),  Ezra's party, one year pictures, etc. But, life got crazy with daily chores, activities, and busyness that I had didn't have the time. When I realized that Ezra was 13 months old two days later I knew it was time for a small update. Mark and I both agree that Ezra has grown up faster than Emerson did and it really seems all of the sudden. He imitates so many things we do and really seems to understand how things work. The other day he took the trash can out of the bathroom to play with. When he was done he carried it back and slid it into the exact same location it was. He's a smart cookie! His walking has reached a near running pace and he is always on the go. Whenever he eats something he finds tasty he lets out a little giggle. I just love that giggle. When I change his diaper he sticks his toys up so I will tickle them. He's full of affection and gives me real hugs. He loves to lay his head down on my shoulder. His vocabulary is starting to build. The other day he said, "ball dada," and has finally started saying mama! He is full of surprises and really absorbs what Emerson does. He painted last week on paper with a paintbrush and loved it! Not finger painting but real painting. Ezra was very controlled and specific about putting the brush in color then painting. It was amazing! 
He has gotten two more teeth in the last week and his smile is adorable. So we are at 5 teeth total. 


He is such a funny, and sweet little guy. We couldn't love him anymore!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Easter Part 1

As usual I'm behind on chronologically posting events. Let's be honest I'm behind on almost everything.  The week of Easter we did our now annual egg hunt with our neighbor, and best bud to Emerson, Ben. I tried to document the occasion and this is what Emerson gave me.  It was unsure that morning if were going to be able to go through with the hunt. It was raining, windy. Then the sun came out just in time!
We hid about 30 eggs. At first they were slow to find any and we were afraid it might take all day. But, they eventually hit their stride and began to crack open the treats. Ezra was napping but got to share in some victory goldfish at the end. Next year it will be quite different with Ezra and Zach in the mix to even out the competition. 

easter 12-2
My one artsy shot :)