Thursday, February 10, 2011

30 weeks

I'm trying to keep up with belly pictures now since we are in the home stretch. I do look a little rough in this picture but this is what happens when you run and back forth with a self timer 10 times trying to get a good shot while preventing a toddler from toppling your camera. One thing is for sure I desperately need a hair-cut/color make-over. Nothing like looking at pictures of yourself to get you to feel weird. Ha!  At least I have some new maternity jeans that fit great! For now at least. Back to baby facts. Not a lot new to report. No new cravings, just being hungry. Baby is still head up and flipping around so hopefully he will settle into the head down position in the next few weeks. According to my handy iphone app he is about the size of a head of cauliflower. Roughly 3lbs. But, with our kids we can assume a little less. Mark and I have resumed our hypnobabies childbirth studies. Just in the nick of time since it's a 6 week lesson series and then you want to leave some weeks for practice. I've washed most of Baby B's clothes and folded them. But, alas they are in the laundry basket since they have nowhere to go.  I'm working on him a crocheted blanket that is a lovely shade of aqua.  Oh and if you are keeping notes he could be here in 8 weeks if he comes when Emerson did. 

29.5 weeks with Emerson
Just for comparison this is Emerson's belly pic. Happy Thursday!

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