Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Cookies

I have been dreaming about making cookies with Emerson since last Christmas. So I figured it was about time we did it! I was all hyped up to make sugar cookies from scratch but when I saw a kit with the cutters, icing, and sugars, at Trader Joes I couldn't turn it down. Emerson's favorite was the stars. She kept saying stars over and over again.

She absolutely loved rolling it out, and playing with the dough. She got a little upset when we actually had to put them in the oven. She just wanted to play all day. I think it might be time for some play dough.
Here is the pippy long stocking hair we sported during our mother-daughter cooking time.

I took a little video of her in the process. I don't think she knew what we were doing but once I started saying cookies on camera she said please over and over because she wanted one. Ha!
After we baked them I was excited to decorate. I put a few on her tray, some icing, a butter knife, and some sugar for her to create a master piece. She had other plans and ate all the cookies in 5 minutes. So I decorated the rest since someone couldn't be trusted. Maybe next year we'll have something to show for it!

24 weeks

I'm 24 weeks today but this is a 23 week picture. I thought I would use Christmas Eve when I actually dressed up a bit. I'm starting to feel rather pregnant. Waddling, hip pain, all the fun stuff. I'm measuring right on time which is very exciting for me. I never measured the week of pregnancy I was in with Emerson. I was usually two weeks behind. So little boy is growing! I feel like I haven't any planning for this little guy. Well it's not only that I feel like I haven't, I flat out haven't. I'm going to try to start collecting clothes in the next couple months and organize a few things. He did get a quite a few cute pieces of clothing for Christmas though. I'll have to adjust to get use to the blue! Since he won't have an official room in the near future I don't have to worry about nursery decor. Although I have some custom bedding in mind using Alexander Henry fabric. Four months to go! Seems like a long time but I'm looking forward to it.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Picture Day

Nothing big to post other than a few of E. I took a couple weeks ago.  She was sporting a pony tail and looked mighty cute.
Keys are a good alternate to a cell phone in case you're wondering.
Poor boo boo. But, it's all better now.

Mug Shot

One final cheese!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Raleigh Christmas Parade

 Right before Thanksgiving we went to the Raleigh Christmas Parade. Which note for next year apparently a lot of people go so get there early. After we found a parking space we braved the cold to see the festivities.
 Trying to get a better view.
 Highlight of the parade...."Giant shopping cart tractor"
Emerson in disbelief.

Spotting something fun.

Tired, cold, and ready to go.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Activity Recap

I thought I would catch up on our activities in the past couple months. In October we went to the State Fair. Contrary to this picture Emerson had a good time. She was given a stuffed frog by a man who won who didn't want it and she couldn't have been more thrilled. She danced when she heard the music on all the rides and absolutely loved the farm animals. The ducks and cows were her favorite. She went a little wild running around mooing at them. Emerson was convinced that some of the more unique breeds of sheep were dogs. I tried to let her have some yummy grilled corn but she wanted no part in it. Instead we shared a caramel apple cupcake. 
By the end she was running around the fair, dancing off her sugar high. After seeing everyone elses pictures we apparently missed the kiddie section with bunnies to pet, etc. Maybe next year! Mark and I also went to the fair two more times and saw Casting Crowns, and Chris Tomlin perform. Both of which are much better in person! 

Since we are looking into the past. Here is a picture of when we could still play outside. Ahhh those were the days.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

21 weeks and 21 months

Sorry for the lack of updating. You know how it is with the holidays. Time just flies by. I'm starting to feel a lot better and I'm hoping it sticks. So I might have a  nice window of normalcy before I start to become uncomfortable. So far just some round ligament pains and feeling huge.  Below is a 21 weeks picture with Emerson for comparison. The only thing I really have been craving is Bojangles. Of course oh so healthy fried chicken would be my craving. I have an appointment next week so we'll see where my weight gain stands. Emerson also turned 21 months! I have to admit I forgot but I guess at this point we can just say she is almost two.

She has been quite a character lately and definitely shows me she is a full fledged toddler. Ha! She is definitely strong willed and voices her opinion. But, of course she now says please which means she can have anything she wants, right? Well at least in her mind. She still absolutely loves books. She is also is a girly girl wearing necklaces, and carrying around a purse and shows preference to different outfits. Emerson hasn't began eating vegetables yet which I had my fingers crossed would happen  before Christmas. But, she does eat tons of fruits. One of the biggest developments is napping and sleeping through the night! I have to admit I was really worried when I got pregnant that she would never sleep well. But, after a strong effort on the nap front we finally got into a routine and she naps 2-3 hours a day! As soon as that happened she began to sleep through the night most of the time. Of course sometimes we have an off day but I'm so thankful for the improvement. Both of us needed the rest and it's much appreciated. She wakes up happy and ready to enjoy the rest of the day and is cheerful when she wakes up in the am. Thank you God! She of course is saying new words every week and can repeat almost anything. Her new thing is saying my name. Not my favorite development but what are you gonna to do? 
In weekly updates yesterday we celebrated Mark's 30th birthday! Happy Birthday Mark! I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from scratch. I think Emerson is going to give him a run for his money to eat them all.