Monday, September 19, 2011

Emerson Kaye 2.5

Emerson is officially two and a half so I think it's time for an update on her! She has changed so much in the last 6 months it's really hard to put it all down. First of all her language development has blown up. At her birthday she was really not saying any phrases at all except, "all done." She knew lots of words but wasn't putting a whole lot together. Now she is speaking in sentences and everyday I'm amazed at what comes out of her mouth. She is full of questions. "Where did Daddy go?" (Also always asking where her little friends and grandparents are.  "What is that?" (Cracks me up when paired with the bewildered look on her face. ) She is an emerging fashionista. She knows what she likes and cannot be swayed. Note the dress she is wearing in all these pictures except one. They weren't all taken on the same day but she just loves it! A little too much. Last week she told me when getting up, "I wear it today, Mommy. I love it!" She has a core group of dresses, and I cannot get her to wear anything else. She constantly tells me she loves it, and she says, "I'm pretty!" I have to hide them when they are dirty because she is notorious for getting her favorites out of the laundry. She loves to accessorize with plastic heels, or my shoes along with jewelry galore,  and a princess crown. Sometimes she even adds a skirt underneath for kicks. Emerson loves to dance and sing. The other day she sang almost all the words to "Jesus loves me." She also likes to sing, "Twinkle, twinkle, little star,  Ba Ba Black Sheep, and her A,B,C's. " Emerson is a girly girl for sure loving to have her nails done. She always wants a different color of polish on her toes, and when I put sunscreen on she tells me it's make-up. If you were to ask her what her favorite color is she would say, orange. Which is really hot pink. We are still working on colors. ;) Emerson has recently got into watching movies. Before age two I never let her watch tv. Good thing too because now she asks all the time now! Her favorite movie is Tangled. Emerson is a major Maximus fan! She is also a fan of The cat in the hat, Dinosaur Train, and of course Sesame Street. We have watched a few Veggie Tales and she likes them too. 


Her eating habits have improved a lot since she turned two as well. I can proudly say that she has now had a green vegetable! She loves green beans, and even lettuce. The green leafy kind! Her other favorites are carrots, apples, pretzels, pizza, chick fil a, Dad's pancakes and smoothies. When she says she wants a smoothie it is the same thing she says when she wants to watch a movie. "smoovie." Haha.
She is wearing anywhere from 12 months to 2T clothes, just depending on what it is. We are reusing a lot of clothes from last year since she grows so slowly. Emerson can count to 10 but only if no one is listening. She loves to read books. Her favorite types are Dr. Seuss right now and anything dancing or princess related. She also enjoys bible stories and can always pick out God in the pictures. Emerson loves to emulate cleaning and will use her stroller as a "vacuum" and gets tissue to clean up any spills. She also will clean up spit up from Ezra. Major bonus.

This picture pretty much sums up her personality right now. Running around carefree in a pink dress, singing and dancing, with a princess crown. 

You don't think I could have a post with Ezra do you? It's been over a week. Hopefully I'll have his 5 month update before he is 6 months. :)

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