Haven is two months old! She is changing everyday. I feel like we have turned the corner from fussy newborn to more interactive baby during her awake time. We are finally getting to see her personality and those sweet smiles. She is a social girl. Haven loves to coo and talk back and forth. Of course she throws in the most adorable smiles ever. She has a very expressive grin that'll make your day. We just started to use the baby gym from time to time. She'll enjoy a few peaceful seconds staring at the toys before her siblings pile on top of her. She has been sleeping amazingly well. She'll go to bed around 9 or 10 and sleep until 7 or 8. All. Night. Long. I can't believe it myself and I certainly wasn't expecting it. So I'm much more rested at night now than when I was pregnant. Haven has rejected the paci but does suck on her hands now and it has been her way of self soothing to go to sleep. At her check-up she weighed in at 10lbs 7oz and was 22.8 inches long. She's moved to 3-6 month sizes since she seems to have very long legs.
When I took her in she was passed out sound asleep. I told the nurse to be prepared for a crabby baby since it was freezing outside and I had to strip her down.
Much to our surprise she was delightful. Smiling every chance she got and winning hearts.
"Check-up during nap time? Awesome!"
Here are a few pictures of our spunky girl.
For reference Emerson at 2 months old.