Ezra was being a goofball, chatting me up, and looking handsome in his plaid so I decided to pull out the camera. It's funny how fast their emotions can change. He gave me the serious look, a giggle, a pout. I guess it's the age because I remember when Emerson was this age she did the exact same thing. I tried to put Ezra on the floor for a picture and Emerson tried to hold up a background for me. She also told Ezra to smile. Ha! He was pretty chill so it was the perfect opportunity for a picture of the two of them. Emerson gave him a little too tight of a hug. It was difficult to get both of their attention so I made a weird noise. You can see Emerson was amused but Ezra found it frightening. Note the bug eyes. This was a fun break from our otherwise hectic day. Emerson has been into everything, literally. I've said that before but now it's really true. Climbing, opening doors she shouldn't, getting out things she really shouldn't. I think she might have selective hearing. But, I guess what 2 year old doesn't? Definitely keeps me on my toes!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Ezra was being a goofball, chatting me up, and looking handsome in his plaid so I decided to pull out the camera. It's funny how fast their emotions can change. He gave me the serious look, a giggle, a pout. I guess it's the age because I remember when Emerson was this age she did the exact same thing. I tried to put Ezra on the floor for a picture and Emerson tried to hold up a background for me. She also told Ezra to smile. Ha! He was pretty chill so it was the perfect opportunity for a picture of the two of them. Emerson gave him a little too tight of a hug. It was difficult to get both of their attention so I made a weird noise. You can see Emerson was amused but Ezra found it frightening. Note the bug eyes. This was a fun break from our otherwise hectic day. Emerson has been into everything, literally. I've said that before but now it's really true. Climbing, opening doors she shouldn't, getting out things she really shouldn't. I think she might have selective hearing. But, I guess what 2 year old doesn't? Definitely keeps me on my toes!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Dance Day 2
Emerson went to her second day of dance on Wednesday. It was only a little bit more to do two classes so I figured why not get here energy out twice a week. Ha! It was a different class and teacher so she was a bit more hesitant. I had to walk her in but she saw the assistant from the other class, an 11 year old girl, and she immediately clung to her. Emerson was a little bit more hesitant this class since there was no warm up but she still told me she had fun. Here is her turn through the obstacle course.
Here are the kiddos waiting on their turn. Emerson sitting beside her teacher assistant buddy. One little girl was hysterically crying. The other kids were apathetic to her screams but Emerson was so sweet. She went over and tried to help her clap and dance. Then sat beside her and rubbed her back. I was so impressed with her sensitivity and sweetness. At the end of class I told her I was proud of her for comforting her new friend when she was sad.
When we drove home Emerson was chatting away. I pulled in the driveway and she passed out. So I placed her on the couch and she slept about 30 minutes before I woke her up. Being a dancer is hard work!
So I don't leave my sweet boy out. Here is Ezra hanging out with me by the pool. Happy guy!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Emerson goes to Dance
Emerson started dance class this week. I think I was more nervous than she was. I was so excited for her to put on her leotard and dance around. So I wanted to document her first day with her adorable pink leotard. I was a little more excited than she was.
This is the shot I got on the way there. Doesn't she look like she is just too cool?
When we got there she was really excited and wanted to run in but we were over eager and 15 minutes early. But, when the class started she kind of froze and clung to my leg. The parents participated for about 10 minutes to warm up and then we left to give them space. By then she totally involved in the class and I don't think realized I left. I watched outside as they tried to wrangle 10 two year olds. It was pretty hilarious. Emerson was a bit all over and needed a bit or redirection. But, she listened about 50% of the time so I was so proud! She is sitting in the back of the class. It was so nice to see her dancing and enjoying herself. She was even trying to make another girl clap and participate. Ha! She is such a little mama. When it was over they all got a sticker and ran out together. She was thrilled until she realized it was over and we had a bit of a struggle to leave. But, we get to go back today! I'm sure she will have a great time this summer.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Ezra 2 Months
I had been wanting some real pictures of Ezra to document him being two months. The thing is he is the sleepiest baby ever so it's hard to plan anything. So one day when he woke up and we had some good lighting I quickly moved into action. I pulled out a pair of overalls because I absolutely adore little boys in nothing but overalls. These are actually the overalls Emerson wore in her 3 month pictures.
I tried to get some smiles but as he just woke he was a little groggy. But look at the head control and arm rolls! Both equally impressive.
He looks surprised I'm there doesn't he? Ha.
Peek a boo! I want to add his eye color isn't enhanced at all. He's all natural. ;)
After about 10 minutes he tuckered out. But gave me a shy grin.
*ps Gparents if you want the photo you can get it off my flickr page*
Monday, June 20, 2011
Trip to the Park
Since we had some beautiful weather I decided to take Emerson to the park for the first time in a long time. It's just been too hot to take anyone let alone a 2 month old.
Emerson has gotten so big and was climbing on everything! She was a little possessive of the playground trying to claim the slide. But she eventually made a friend and scored a juice box! They were holding hands and it's was very cute.
Ezra had a good time talking with his ladybug friend. I think he was glad we invited her along.
Emerson contemplating her next move by the train
We had a good time and I was glad we had the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful day. It also made for a tired girl and a happy mama.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Chubby Cheeks
Here are a few shots from last week to show off Ezra's chubby cheeks. Emerson never had rolls like this so it really cracks me up. I mean seriously look at this belly. I just want to tickle it all day long!
After Emerson I always assumed I would have a tiny guy. Another string bean. So it's been a big surprise to have a 50th % baby compared to a 5th% I'm loving my big boy!
Picture please?
The other day I wanted to take a picture of Emerson because she looked cute in her outfit, a long floral pink skirt. I'm not sure if it suppose to be long but it is on her since she is pint sized. She reminded me of a little hippy paired with her keens. Well this picture taking business turned into a whole ordeal. She wasn't going to make it easy. Stand still for 3 seconds, I think not. I got her near the window and of course she starts singing a song and dancing with the blinds cord. Then she tends to an impatiently crying Ezra. Next she gives me two ridiculous looks. The painful smiles that look nothing like here. At the end she runs away and I find her putting deodorant on in some interesting areas. Now that is picture worthy.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
2 months old
So this little guy is two months old and my how is changed! He is starting to smile lots and begin those adorable coos. He will go back in forth and conversation for a good while now and I must say he has the sweetest voice. Ezra is a chunky little thing. We went for his check-up on Monday and he weighs 11lbs 7oz. A little over 2lbs heavier than Emerson was at this age. He has almost doubled his size already! He has a very broad chest, full round tummy, and strong legs. Even the pediatrician said he has very strong muscles for his age. He has rolled a couple times from tummy to back. But, I count it as frustration instead of intentional. He is still super sleepy. He sleeps much more than Emerson did to me. Usually not up for more than an hour at time. He loves a morning nap and can sleep 2-3 hours if his sister doesn't interrupt. Ezra sleeps huge chunks at night but likes to rise and shine around 5am. He absolutely loves the moby wrap and seems to be in heaven when he is in it. He snuggles up on my chest and passes out. He also likes to snuggle very close to me at night. Ezra has a lovely olive complexion and his eyes are beautiful blue right now and seem to be getting lighter by the day. He's getting tons of hair in on top and it appears to be dark brown. He adores his paci and pretty much wants it 90% of the time. I love this age and getting to see their personality come out little by little. Recently we went to the pool and I dangled a butterfly chime toy from his carseat. It's one of those black and white toys that captures their attention. He proceeded to have a conversation with the butterfly for 5 minutes, smiling away. A ladies man already.
Who can resist these cheeks?

Happy Birthday Ezra! Could he be any cuter? I think not.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sweet Dreams
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Happy Birthday Ezra!
Ezra is 2 months today! I'll do a birthday post later but for now look at this adorable smile. Heartbreaker I do believe.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Emerson the Sister
I wanted to document how Emerson is interacting with Ezra because I'm sure in a month it will be different and I'll forget. She loves him lots and definitely wants a playmate. So here are a few things she has said lately.
- "Ezra dance!"
- "Ezra clap!" Usually in the same 10 minutes and she will try to make him clap and have fun.
- She scrunches up her nose and smells his diaper even though I just changed him.
- "Ezra come on!" He usually stays put.
- When he burped today, "He's talking!"
- "Crying?" He's not, then shoves a paci in his mouth. Then he cries. :)
- "Excuse me Ezra," (which really sounds like es-coo) when he is making a dirty diaper.
- "Spit up. Yucky." Then dabs his mouth. Which you can imagine from a 2 year old is not too gentle.
- And my favorite. "Hold you? OK." I guess he sends nonverbal signals that he wants to be held.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Memorial Weekend
What does a girl need on a hot day to stay happy? Only a water hose, a new pool, and perhaps some cool shades. Emerson had a blast playing in the backyard in Conover, splashing around. I don't think she actually got in the swim pool more than once but she had a blast playing around it.
A princess beach ball didn't hurt either. Combined with a chocolate cupcake she was in toddler heaven. Ezra was pretty happy as well. :)
Friday, June 3, 2011
Take in the Sweetness
The other night I was up late and I read an article about the sweetness of babies.
About how they are so irresistible. It made me a bit sentimental so I decide to capture some of Ezra's sweetness as he slept. Because I want to remember what these tiny fingers and toes look like.
So relaxed and completely comfortable. He did have his fingers raise up. Which I thought was hilarious, but I didn't quite catch it. It goes by so fast. So I'm trying to take in this sweetness.
If you are interested in reading about babies the article is here.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
It's video time
Since it's so hard to capture those quick baby smiles I decided to film them. Listen to Emerson say "It does!" after I ask Ezra if sneezing feels good. Ha! I didn't hear that when I was filming it. Please excuse my shaky camera work. It's hard to make goofy faces at a baby and film. Ya know?? Also Emerson is really into singing Happy Birthday right now. So I'm not sure asking her randomly. It's the first song she can sing and I actually understand the words!
Photo Op
I just have pictures today. But, they are so cute that's enough. By the way I'm glad Ezra's paci color coordinates with our outfits. Nice work.
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