Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Pulling Mommy Rank
I finally decided to start pulling the Mommy card. For the past month I've watched people hold Emerson while she is crying feeling so sick to my stomach. I would wait thinking obviously they would hand her over because thats what I do with an upset child. Majority do but some do not causing both Emerson and myself to feel horrible. But I think my motherly instinct is taking over because I don't think I can stand by any longer. Sometimes it just needs a mothers touch. So I would rather comfort my baby and prevent a soaked shirt. :)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
1 Month Old!
I can't believe Emerson is already a month old. Time has flown by. She doesn't even look like the same baby. I took some birthday pictures I'll post later today. Little girl has had a tummy ache so I haven't had time to work on the upload. It's funny now that I have a baby it is hard to remember a time when I wasn't always covered in spit up. But, I wouldn't change it for the world! I'm trying to enjoy every second with her as I know it will go by too fast. So I don't care if people think she is held too much. I would rather hold her now than regret it later. Because you never get this time back. Happy Birthday Emerson!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Astrology Fun
Since it's so dreary outside here is some astrology fun. My horoscopes have always been surprisingly accurate so we'll see how this pans out.
Mother and Child
Your Pisces child needs your love and protection the way a flower needs nourishing rain and sunlight. And like that flower in the sun, your little one basks in the warmth of your courage and creativity. The way she needs you makes you feel indispensable, like the center of her world -- a position you're more than comfortable with! Loyal and devoted, you're naturally a wonderful parent to your little Pisces. You return her love tenfold and encourage her to be bold and happy, just like you. The fact that you're a bit sensitive yourself helps you understand your little one's sensitive, compassionate nature. You and your Pisces child will always share a strong and tender connection -- she's tuned in to you at a deep emotional level and you give her the grounded strength she needs.
About Emerson
A deeply creative imagination enhances your Pisces child's experience of life, imbuing it with varied hues and shimmering possibilities. You might find her staring off into space, but there's plenty going on in that unfathomable mind of hers -- feelings, impressions, and bits of intuition woven together in a rich mosaic of perception. Pisces children are incredibly tender and compassionate, and they need extra affection from their parents. Your little Pisces may want to be held nonstop as a baby (This one is already true!) and will still need plenty of hugs, kisses, and encouragement as she grows older. Pisces children are often more concerned with their instincts than with logic, and more interested in their dreams or fantasies than in "real life." As the parent of a Pisces child, you can help to ground her in reality; avoidance and escapism are typical Piscean traits. So is idealism. Your Pisces child may have grand visions of the way life could and should be, which will then fall flat in the harsh light of reality. Since your little Pisces is so emotionally sensitive (as well as physically and psychically), you'll need to be careful which people and influences you expose her to and what you feed her. Don't be surprised if she brings home stray kittens and other friends in need. Her heart's capacity to love and serve is enormous -- sometimes to a fault. Your Pisces child needs to protect herself against people who would take advantage of her giving and gullible nature, and that's one area in which you, as her parent, can step in.
Parent & Parent horoscope-Mark is a Sagittarius. I'm a Leo
Harnessing the energy between you is rather like trying to control a team of wild horses. It can be a fun, wild ride, but things can all too quickly get out of hand. This is the challenge you will face in your parenting duties. You're both lively, adventurous, and energetic people. You love to take your kids on all sorts of adventures and expose them to new experiences. But who will mind the store while you're gone? The Leo parent may take on the leadership role in the family, making (and canceling) appointments and taking care of details. It's not your favorite job, but somebody's got to do it! The Sagittarius parent will be busy making all the plans for your next family vacation to some distant, exotic location. The kids happily tag along with you two, learning that the world is their schoolyard.
Mother and Child
Your Pisces child needs your love and protection the way a flower needs nourishing rain and sunlight. And like that flower in the sun, your little one basks in the warmth of your courage and creativity. The way she needs you makes you feel indispensable, like the center of her world -- a position you're more than comfortable with! Loyal and devoted, you're naturally a wonderful parent to your little Pisces. You return her love tenfold and encourage her to be bold and happy, just like you. The fact that you're a bit sensitive yourself helps you understand your little one's sensitive, compassionate nature. You and your Pisces child will always share a strong and tender connection -- she's tuned in to you at a deep emotional level and you give her the grounded strength she needs.
About Emerson
A deeply creative imagination enhances your Pisces child's experience of life, imbuing it with varied hues and shimmering possibilities. You might find her staring off into space, but there's plenty going on in that unfathomable mind of hers -- feelings, impressions, and bits of intuition woven together in a rich mosaic of perception. Pisces children are incredibly tender and compassionate, and they need extra affection from their parents. Your little Pisces may want to be held nonstop as a baby (This one is already true!) and will still need plenty of hugs, kisses, and encouragement as she grows older. Pisces children are often more concerned with their instincts than with logic, and more interested in their dreams or fantasies than in "real life." As the parent of a Pisces child, you can help to ground her in reality; avoidance and escapism are typical Piscean traits. So is idealism. Your Pisces child may have grand visions of the way life could and should be, which will then fall flat in the harsh light of reality. Since your little Pisces is so emotionally sensitive (as well as physically and psychically), you'll need to be careful which people and influences you expose her to and what you feed her. Don't be surprised if she brings home stray kittens and other friends in need. Her heart's capacity to love and serve is enormous -- sometimes to a fault. Your Pisces child needs to protect herself against people who would take advantage of her giving and gullible nature, and that's one area in which you, as her parent, can step in.
Parent & Parent horoscope-Mark is a Sagittarius. I'm a Leo
Harnessing the energy between you is rather like trying to control a team of wild horses. It can be a fun, wild ride, but things can all too quickly get out of hand. This is the challenge you will face in your parenting duties. You're both lively, adventurous, and energetic people. You love to take your kids on all sorts of adventures and expose them to new experiences. But who will mind the store while you're gone? The Leo parent may take on the leadership role in the family, making (and canceling) appointments and taking care of details. It's not your favorite job, but somebody's got to do it! The Sagittarius parent will be busy making all the plans for your next family vacation to some distant, exotic location. The kids happily tag along with you two, learning that the world is their schoolyard.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Before I was a Mom....
I would have never thought I would have my baby sleeping in my bed. But as I have come to find out many things change once your little one arrives. At first it started out unintentional with me picking up Emerson to feed her and we would both fall asleep. Then over a couple days I found it easier for her to be with me from the beginning. We both got more sleep, and it was easy to feed her. After more exploration I found that tons of parents "co-sleep" with their kids. Some people might stick up their nose at the idea but all I know is Emerson never cries at night and I feel rested in the morning. I don't have any fear of me rolling over her. It is amazing the awareness you have of where your baby is. My body literally doesn't move all night. I stay on my side facing her and it makes for a quick feeding session. She falls asleep during and I just roll her back to her back. So easy! So what I say is do what works for you. I found this article listing the benefits of co-sleeping.
Popular media has tried to discourage parents from sharing sleep with their babies, calling this worldwide practice unsafe. Medical science, however, doesn’t back this conclusion. In fact, research shows that co-sleeping is actually safer than sleeping alone. Here is what science says about sleeping with your baby:
Sleep more peacefully
Research shows that co-sleeping infants virtually never startle during sleep and rarely cry during the night, compared to solo sleepers who startle repeatedly throughout the night and spend 4 times the number of minutes crying 1. Startling and crying releases adrenaline, which increases heart rate and blood pressure, interferes with restful sleep and leads to long term sleep anxiety.
Stable physiology
Studies show that infants who sleep near to parents have more stable temperatures 2, regular heart rhythms, and fewer long pauses in breathing compared to babies who sleep alone 3. This means baby sleeps physiologically safer.
Decreases risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Worldwide research shows that the SIDS rate is lowest (and even unheard of) in countries where co-sleeping is the norm, rather than the exception 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Babies who sleep either in or next to their parents’ bed have a fourfold decrease in the chance of SIDS 10. Co-sleeping babies actually spend more time sleeping on their back or side 1 which decreases the risk of SIDS. Further research shows that the carbon dioxide exhaled by a parent actually works to stimulate baby’s breathing 11.
Long term emotional health
Co-sleeping babies grow up with a higher self-esteem, less anxiety, become independent sooner, are better behaved in school 12, and are more comfortable with affection 13. They also have less psychiatric problems 14.
Safer than crib sleeping
The Consumer Product Safety Commission published data that described infant fatalities in adult beds. These same data, however, showed more than 3 times as many crib related infant fatalities compared to adult bed accidents 15. Another recent large study concluded that bed sharing did NOT increase the risk of SIDS, unless the mom was a smoker or abused alcohol 16.
Popular media has tried to discourage parents from sharing sleep with their babies, calling this worldwide practice unsafe. Medical science, however, doesn’t back this conclusion. In fact, research shows that co-sleeping is actually safer than sleeping alone. Here is what science says about sleeping with your baby:
Sleep more peacefully
Research shows that co-sleeping infants virtually never startle during sleep and rarely cry during the night, compared to solo sleepers who startle repeatedly throughout the night and spend 4 times the number of minutes crying 1. Startling and crying releases adrenaline, which increases heart rate and blood pressure, interferes with restful sleep and leads to long term sleep anxiety.
Stable physiology
Studies show that infants who sleep near to parents have more stable temperatures 2, regular heart rhythms, and fewer long pauses in breathing compared to babies who sleep alone 3. This means baby sleeps physiologically safer.
Decreases risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Worldwide research shows that the SIDS rate is lowest (and even unheard of) in countries where co-sleeping is the norm, rather than the exception 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Babies who sleep either in or next to their parents’ bed have a fourfold decrease in the chance of SIDS 10. Co-sleeping babies actually spend more time sleeping on their back or side 1 which decreases the risk of SIDS. Further research shows that the carbon dioxide exhaled by a parent actually works to stimulate baby’s breathing 11.
Long term emotional health
Co-sleeping babies grow up with a higher self-esteem, less anxiety, become independent sooner, are better behaved in school 12, and are more comfortable with affection 13. They also have less psychiatric problems 14.
Safer than crib sleeping
The Consumer Product Safety Commission published data that described infant fatalities in adult beds. These same data, however, showed more than 3 times as many crib related infant fatalities compared to adult bed accidents 15. Another recent large study concluded that bed sharing did NOT increase the risk of SIDS, unless the mom was a smoker or abused alcohol 16.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Being a Mommy to a newborn
Accomplishments Today
- Shower
- Brushed Teeth before noon
- Have not been spit up on
- Baby has not spit up on herself
- Took dog out with baby in sling
- Washed all of Emerson's dirty clothes
- No cloth diaper leaks so far
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Chunky Monkey

Monday, March 16, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
2 Weeks Today!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Emerson's Hypnobabies Birth Story
One tired Midwife, Mama, and Baby
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Emerson has arrived!
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