Can you believe this guy is 14 months? I feel like he was just 9 months. Is it possible the second year is going by fast than the first? Ezra is growing into an adorable toddler. It's hard to believe that even at this age Emerson wasn't walking, and he has been a busy bee for 3 months. So he seems more grown up to me at this age. Finally after much waiting, he has four teeth on top, bringing him to a total of 6. Good thing for him since he loves to eat. He has picked up the sign for more and constantly walks to the kitchen and signs more over and over again. He likes big people food, not baby food. I would say grilled cheese and quesadillas are his favorite. Sometimes I can sneak some veggies in his quesadilla to make me feel a little better. He goes nuts for veggie sticks, crackers, pretzels, and cookies.
(Who doesn't?) I made a fresh strawberry bread the other day and he ate no less than half of the whole thing. His appetite seems unquenchable. Not a fan of veggies or fruit though. He has found the occasional apple, orange, or watermelon slice tasty but not in excess. I'm not worrying about it too much. Because to be honest I'm thrilled that he is eating at all. If you know Emerson you understand what I'm saying. His verbal communication is growing everyday. Since Emerson has a new love for Dora, he responds and says, "map!" He is constantly saying hey but no bye yet. He says the word dog and is super excited about Mia. It's like he just discovered that we have a dog living here. The feeling isn't mutual. Ha! But, he loves to throw her the ball, and tell her it's a ball. I've heard him say duck, and other words that I can't recall. He is a big climber and will try to get on top of anything so I have to keep a close eye on this fast dare devil. The other day he climbed on top of the kids table for the 20th time, stood up and said, "sit!." I think we have a miscommunication about what I'm trying to tell him when I say sit. He likes to do what big kids do, thanks to his big sister. He really enjoys painting, coloring and seems to have good coordination. Recently he started smiling by scrunching his nose up and showing those teeth. It's so cute and really shows his enthusiasm! He also loves to give big kisses, hug, and roar like a dinosaur. In true boy form he will take any toy, even Cinderella, and push her around saying, "vrooom."

He knows a couple bodyparts. His belly, toes, and head. He really enjoys showing his belly off to us.
This is typical Ezra. Cheesing with food stuffed in his mouth.
Love this boy! Doesn't he look aqua and plaid.?