Monday, November 21, 2011
On the move
Here is big boy on the move and Emerson acting crazy. Emerson started climbing out of the crib and Ezra started climbing the stairs this weekend. So things are getting busy here as if they weren't already. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Ezra 7 Months
Ezra is still a ham. He has the most magnetic smile. If I just give him a big grin back he will burst with laughter. He has a deep manly laugh. Fitting for a baby boy.
We have tried some food but much to my surprise he is not interested. Not one bit. He acts like we are attacking him with the spoon. Maybe next month! Good thing he loves milk, and as you can see he isn't hurting for calories. A sturdy 17lbs he is full of rolls. He is wearing pretty much all 12 month clothes. Especially pjs since he has big feet. In some clothes that are 6-12 months they fit perfect but I'm sure not for long. I'm amazed at his growth compared to Emerson. I think at this age she was wearing 3-6 month clothes.
Ezra has started to be over the paci. I don't know how it happened but I thought for sure he would be attached for some time to it. Only on occasion when he is sleeping will he take it. He loves to find his Mama. Wherever I am he will crawl across the room to find me. A mama's boy for sure. I don't mind. Who could resist this grin and baby blue's? He even gives me his own version of a kiss. He grabs my face firmly and bites my chin and growls. I guess he is loving on me. Ezra is still waiting on that first tooth. It seems he is changing a little bit everyday with development and he really is a joy to have around. We love him!
I have some more pictures I will share later that I took outside. Let's just say this smiley guy could care less about his Mama when he is in the great outdoors. I guess I'll keep him inside for those toothless grins.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Halloween Part 2
On Halloween we headed to Mark's work so Emerson could trick or treat there. When we were getting ready her pink dress was not dry yet so I was relieved she was excited to be Snow White. It matched Ezra's costume better anyways so it worked out well. She really enjoyed grabbing some candy but was a little on the shy side with so much going on. She enjoyed a break half way through at Dad's desk and snacked on some candy.
Emerson didn't know what to think of scary costumes but she was fearless about going through the spiders! After we got enough candy we enjoyed some yummy ice cream. It started raining pretty hard as we left and we got stuck in some nasty traffic. So we scratched trick or treating since both kids had colds.
But, that didn't dampen their spirits. I must say they are pretty cute together.
Didn't she make a beautiful Snow White?!? Next year we will definitely trick or treat. I've already got her costume thanks to Target clearance and costumes in mind for the whole family.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Halloween Part 1
We got to celebrate Halloween early this year. The library had a Halloween themed trick or treat story time. We came straight from dance class so we barely made it in time. Emerson was excited to meet up with her friend Addie. It was her birthday and Emerson was thrilled to say, "Happy Birthday Addie," for the 10th time this month. Their eyes were glued to the dressed up librarians. They went over some fun rhymes, and a couple stories and at one point turned out the lights. I'm not sure the toddlers knew what to think about that. Afterwards there were bubbles as usual. I tried to get a picture of everyone, Ezra included. But, he scooted away and the chances of two toddlers looking at the same time is slim.
After storytime they had a parade around the library with trick or treat stations. Emerson was the kaboose and taking her sweet time.
Ezra was a great sport as a little clown. He enjoyed the storytime as much as anyone else.
After all the effort for Emerson to have a crown with her princess costume she didn't want to wear it. Go figure!
After she collected all the treats she sat down to enjoy her pretzels.
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