We had a really great Christmas this year. Emerson loved it and of course got way to much. Here is us on Christmas Eve before we headed out.
I'm glad we all matched!
Here is the stocking made for Emerson. Not quite perfect, but pretty good for not using a pattern! |
Emerson really enjoyed her new table and chairs! Of course a Christmas tutu doesn't hurt either.
Her big gift this year was a wagon. She was beyond excited to get it. We got her a couple other small presents and them in front of the wagon. She ran over them and jumped into the wagon! It took some convincing to get her to open anything else.
She loved her new nalgene sippy cup. Emerson opened the rest of her presents from inside the wagon.
Mark took Emerson on her first wagon ride! Of course she was being silly. The wagon is pretty neat with seats, seatbelts, a canopy, and room for her little brother!
Mark and I got each other a new camera for Christmas. We are really excited to learn more about it and I'm excited how it can help me in my business! So we didn't do anything official to open. But, I got Mark some stocking stuffers one of which was The Princess Bride in blu-ray. We watched it that night and it was as funny as ever. Mark surprised me with an awesome 50mm 1.8 lens. I was completely shocked!
I decided to make breakfast casserole for Christmas morning. It was delicious. We also had some of the tastiest biscuits you can get that aren't homemade courtesy of Earthfare.
Rare glimpse of Emerson with a bow in her hair. It lasted 10 minutes. :( But, at least it was festive!
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We got some snow late on Saturday. Then a lot on Sunday morning. After the roads cleared we headed to the western part of the state. It was a beautiful drive with all the snow covering the trees. Here is Emerson with her new back-pack. She loves it and is always asking for her bag! We had fun on New Years too with some friend from church. But, no pictures. Emerson enjoyed playing with the other kids and staying up late. Hope you had a great Christmas as well!